Side Yard Ideas No Grass
Side Yard Ideas Without Grass
Addition of Ungeared Greener Side Yards without Grass
Side yards, often the neglected area of a home garden, can be used for much more than storage or maintenance. With the rise of interest in Earth-friendly solutions and lowering of space demands in homes, more and more homeowners are turning to ungeared side yard ideas without grass.
History of Side Yard Ideas
To understand the scope and significance of side yards, it is essential to review the historical context in which landscape design ideas have evolved. Gardening dates back to ancient cultures such as the Babylonians and Sumerians who heavily cultivated gardens to produce food and flowers. Over the centuries, the side yards and gardens evolved with the prominent designs of the particular era from the Greco-Roman period to the Baroque period and right through the late 19th century. Each style saw an evolution of design ideas in the art of gardening, with English landscapes and English country gardens being the eventual winner that carried a traditional element to the most modern of gardens.
Benefits of Side Yard Ideas without Grass
Side yards without grass provide numerous benefits to homeowners and communities alike. Usage of side yards without grass ensures that carbon depletion and water wastage is reduced significantly, and these environments can be maintained with considerably less effort. Additionally, many types of greener side yard ideas allow for better water drainage, and with more traditional plant varieties and vegetation being used, side yards without grass promote biodiversity. Implementing side yard ideas can offer a visual enhancement to available outdoor space, visually increasing the usable area and in turn the value of the home.
Types of Side Yard Ideas
The space saving side yards without grass that outdoor enthusiasts can choose from are numerous. Some popular ideas include xeriscaping - utilizing softer textures and vegetation to create a visually pleasing effect, wild gardens, native-plant gardens, vegetable gardens, water gardens, and refuge gardens. Additionally, DIY enthusiasts are beginning to experiment with hydroponics and aquaponics for their side yards without grass, taking it a step further and providing an undeniable visual appeal.
Implementation of Side Yards without Grass
When implementing side yards without grass, proper planning is essential. The preliminary step of any side yards without grass project is to assess the site condition. This entails surveying the site for stepped gradients, views of the property, major drainage courses, erosion challenges, the number and position of existing trees and plants, and underground structures like water pipes and electrical cables. A plan is then created that considers the elements of the garden design such as space requirements and functionality. The plan should also provide a list of achievable components outlining the landscape plays and edging elements, drainage, construction, planting, and lighting.
Potential Challenges of Side Yard Ideas
The creation and maintenance of side yards can be a labor-intensive process. Finding suitable materials for the project, considering the weight of the larger elements, and ensuring proper drainage are often the major challenges faced when implementing a side yards without grass. Additionally, the proper selection of plant varieties is key in seeing a successful project through to fruition. Plant selection relies heavily on which hardy - based on location and type of soil - and appropriate - based on climate - plants to pick for the project. Furthermore, proper spacing, placement, and caring for certain species is key to successfully harnessing the desired visual effect.
Final Word
Despite the potential challenges, side yards without grass is a growing trend that affords myriad benefits with the correct planning and approach. Ultimately, the implementation of greener landscapes without grass offers a viable alternative for the modern homeowner looking to put extra space to good use.
1. Koenigsberg, Alan G. Landscape Design History. Landscape Architect & Specifier News, July 2019.
2. CBS News. Sidewalk-Free Lawns: Grassless Landscaping Heats Up. CBS News, US South, CBS Interactive Inc., 23 June 2019.
3. Nazarov, Kksal. Grassless Landscaping: How to Design Creative Gardens with Low Maintenance? Freshome, 3 June 2020.
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