Level Your Backyard A Guide

How to Level a Backyard for Private or Commercial Use

Leveling a backyard can be a tricky task if you don't know what you're doing. Unfortunately, it's something that needs to be done to maintain a safe, functional space. Whether it's for private or commercial use, even the slightest discrepancy in level could cause problems. But, before you start your project, you need to understand the basics.

Each county has their own zoning regulations so you need to read up on these first. If you're planning on doing a major excavation or if you have to remove a large tree, you will need a permit. Failing to get clearance beforehand can result in hefty fines and citations, something that's best to avoid at all costs.

Poor drainage is up there with the biggest problems in landscaping. It's easy to fix with a little digging and adding a Tub or Tile Drain. This is a type of roll out tile drainage so any water can easily move away from your home. When you're digging, it's important to check and see if pipe drainage already exists. There's no use in digging the same trench twice, after all.

Next, you will have to measure the site for evenness. Starting on one side, put a stake in the ground and tie a piece of twine. Move to the opposite side and mark it as the end. Once done, you will usually have to place more stakes so that you can figure out any discrepancies.

When it comes to staking out the area, you have a few options. You can either use pegs or fill the area with concrete. If you are going for the latter, be sure to check with your local department of public works about the regulations.

You also need to make sure you choose the right type of stakes for the project. You want to go for those that can drive into hard, rocky soil. You also need stakes that won't corrode, something like steel or fiberglass. For curved spaces, you may need to use a flexible material.

For larger areas, you may need to invest in a transit or laser level. Essentially, you will have to point the laser at the stakes you've put in place. You can then adjust the ground to match the numbers on the laser, the level. This is a much more efficient way of leveling a large area, especially if your area needs to be extra precise.

You can use a variety of equipment to grade the soil once you've staked it out. Renting a tractor, grader, or even a riding mower may save you a lot of time and energy. Once you've graded the soil, you need to create a base. This is usually done with clay and gravel, ensuring that water doesn't collect in the area.

Leveling a backyard is no easy job, especially if you're a first-timer. But if you want it to be done right, it's important to go through all the steps. Start by understanding your local regulations and check the local drainage. Next, mark the area that needs to be leveled and stake it out. After that, it's important to use the right tools, such as a transit or laser level. Finally, smooth out the area and create a base to ensure that water will move away from the space. If you keep all the steps in mind, you should have no problem levelling out your backyard.


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